• Members and guests must obey the instructions of the pool staff.
  • Woodbridge Valley Pool celebrates its culturally and racially diverse community; therefore, racial slurs, disparaging racial comments, or joking at the expense of a racial group are not permitted on pool property.  Choosing such behavior will result in being required to leave the pool for that day.  Future repeated offenses will result in additional discipline up to suspension of pool access.
  • The use and possession of any weapons of any kind (guns, knives, explosives, etc..) are prohibited from the pool property at all times. The pool property includes the parking lot.
  • Members under age 9 must be accompanied and supervised at all times by a responsible person who is at least 13 years old. Members who are 9 through 12 years of age can be admitted without an adult only if they have the written permission of their parent/guardian and have passed the deep well test.
  • No glass containers of any kind are allowed on pool premises.  This includes corning ware, ceramic crock pots, etc.
  • No eating or drinking is allowed at the edge of the pool.
  • Smoking is allowed outside of the fences only.
  • No alcoholic beverages may be brought into or consumed on pool property except during such special affairs as may be announced by the Board of Directors.
  • The use and possession of any illicit drug of any type are strictly prohibited on pool property at all times. The pool property includes the parking lot.
  • Do not talk to the lifeguards when they are in the chairs.  (They are watching out for our safety.)
  • Water guns are not allowed on pool premises at any time.
  • Sponge balls are permitted in the pool.  Use of other throwing objects (balls, Frisbees, etc.) may be used with the manager’s permission.  None of these objects are to be used on the pool deck, nor in the shallow end of the pool.  Crowded conditions may require that they be removed from the pool.  Hard balls are prohibited on pool property (lacrosse balls, baseballs, etc.).
  • Proper swimsuit attire must be worn at all times in the pool. Street clothes are not permitted in the water.
  • No running is allowed, except on the grassy area at the top of the hill. No running off the diving board!
  • Infants and children who are not toilet trained must wear approved swimming “pull-ups” while in the main pool or the baby pool. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the pull-up is not soiled while the infant/child is in the pool. Cloth diapers and disposable diapers are prohibited as swimming attire.
  • No children over the age of 5 are allowed in the baby pool.  Children may use the baby pool only when supervised by an adult or an approved baby-sitter (age 13 or older) who must remain with them in the fenced baby pool area.
  • Only U.S Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices are allowed to be used in the pool.  Other life preservers, water wings, or any other swimming aids designed for young children, inflatable inner tubes or rings are not allowed.
  • Floatation mats or rafts are permitted in the pool only during “Adult Swim,” but not in the deep well. Kickboards are permitted for lap swimming in the lap lane only.
  • Diving is allowed only in the 12 foot deep area, the “deep well.” Diving board rules are posted behind the board.
  • If you are 12 years old or younger, you must pass the “deep well test” before going off the diving board or swimming in the deep well. The test, given by a lifeguard, consists of swimming back and forth once across the deep end of the pool and treading water for one minute.
  • Lifeguards clear the pool waters half an hour to conduct safety and maintenance activities before the campus closes. Thank you for respecting staff requests to vacate the waters.
  • If unfavorable weather conditions exist, the pool will be closed at the discretion of the manager on duty. It is unsafe to swim during inclement weather, especially when there is thunder or lightning in the area. If it is stormy, everyone in the pool must get out of the water and follow staff directives. Since water conducts electricity so well, there is no safe place in the water during an electrical storm.
  • During special events, the pool will close early or open late. Members will be notified of early closings, late openings, and sudden closings online and in person at the pool. With safety a top priority, members must respect staff’s directives on opening and closing times.

Disciplinary Action

Any individual who violates the pool rules may be asked to retire to a disciplinary area. This is known as “benching.” This applies to both inappropriate behavior or language. With 2 such violations in one day, the individual may be asked to leave the pool premises for that day. Continued violations may result in suspension of pool privileges.

[Revised May 2024]